Thursday, September 6, 2007

I just don't get it

I listen to the news in my car as I drive home from work. The leading story was of a two year old little girl who died because her mother left her in the car. Her mother said she forgot to take her to daycare and forgot she was in the car. She went into to work and two hours later remembered that she was in the car.

Now I just don’t get it, how do you forget your child is in the car much less to drop them off at daycare. I mean come on I bet she did not forget to take her purse in with her. Or her briefcase or laptop if she had one. So how do you forget your child is in the car?

Never once have I strapped my child or anybody else’s child in my car and forgot they were in there. And I know first hand that most two year olds are not sitting back there quite. I just don’t get it. And it really makes me sick that people even use this excuse when this happens.

So if anybody and educate me out there can somebody tell me how in the hell you forget your child is in the car.


Anonymous said...

I don't believe it!

Is this some belated April fools joke from some newspaper or other?

If not, she's just mad the woman, demented! No one forgets for two hours that they left their child in the car!!!

niobe said...

The poor little girl. And her poor family. I can't imagine forgetting that I left my child in the car. What a bizarre and tragic story.

The Goddess G said...

That's just so awful. I agree. She remembered to take her car keys out...but forgot about the child? Sad and tragic.

Anonymous said...

Anissa I am with you on this one. I can't see how you can forget about your child in the car. Maybe if your life is that busy and hectic these people shouldn't be having kids in the first place. I have been a mother for 13 years and have never once forgotten my child in the car even when I was working full-time running the hotels. I just don't get it either.