Thursday, October 11, 2007

Feeling pretty good today

Well after being up 38 hours (well I did catch 1-1/2 hour’s worth of sleep yesterday between the night work and my day time work) I finally got to bed about 5:30pm yesterday. Needless to say I did not wake up until my alarm went off this morning. That is ware for me. I don’t sleep well so usually I am up starting any were from 1:30am to 3:00am. It is not too often I sleep to 4:00am when my alarm goes off. But I do feel refreshed this morning. And it’s a good thing since I have to also work my second job tonight waiting tables. Just waiting for the day I can stop all this craziness.

But one good thing is coming out of all of this other then the extra money. I am down 2 more lbs. And since the extra work I am doing now if physical I am also using mussels I have not used in a long time and I am starting to tighten up in all kinds of places. I have to say, which you would have never heard me say this before but I am starting to look good. It has been so long since I have felt good about the way I look. It feels nice to look in the mirror now and think wow I don’t look that bad. You might even catch me in a two piece if I have the need to wear a bathing suite. And it has been years since I would even consider wearing a two piece. Also feels so good to be able to buy size 8 pants. My goal is to get into a size 6 but I have not wore a size 6 since high school so I really doubt that will happen but a girl can dream can’t she. And if it never happens I am ok with that I am just happy that I got down to a size 8. Now to stay there will be the next battle.

Also it was nice to see my big check. Although I had the money spent even before it was written but the good thing is that it is another bill gone. So maybe this year we can do something fun with our tax return and not have to use it to pay off something. Life really does suck when you’re broke and living on the edge like we have been the last couple of years. Money does not make you happy but when you’re broke it sure can depress you.


Anonymous said...

Happy your feeling goo today :) A size 6 eh! Why not, its a reasonable goal to aim for :) XXX

The Goddess G said...

You got it going on!!! I just hope you get to catch up on the sleep at some point. I hear you on the money things. We are doing some things with extra jobs right now for the same intention. I know they say money doesn't make you happy...but I'd like to be able to prove it for myself!! ;)